Children Win! Thanks to Jack and Barbara Nicklaus and the Cognizant Classic

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Nicklaus, a name that will always be closely associated with the game of golf, with championships, and with winning. For Jack and Barbara Nicklaus, the victories realized through the Cognizant Classic are for the children who are helped in the community they call home.

Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation is the primary beneficiary of the tournament. The funds donated to the Foundation help to advance and enhance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of childhood diseases and disorders.

“Jack and I have always shared a desire to help others, especially children. The support from the tournament has allowed more children to receive the medical treatments they need to live healthy lives. And, it has allowed us to play a role in some amazing success stories,” said Barbara Nicklaus, founder and chair of the Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation.

Most notably, Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation has been able to help fund a partnership between Nicklaus Children’s Hospital and Jupiter Medical Center. This relationship brings the world-class care at Nicklaus Children’s to patients at Jupiter Medical Center’s De George Pediatric Unit, the Mastroianni Family Pediatric Emergency Department, and the De George Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Jack and Barbara Nicklaus founded the Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation in 2004 to provide world-class, pediatric care to children in Palm Beach County and beyond – raising more than $185 million to date. The Foundation supports Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, which has helped children from every state in the union and 119 countries.



Jack and Barbara Nicklaus Children’s Legacy Fund
Throughout their lifetime, Jack and Barbara have contributed to the health and well-being of countless children – both nationally and internationally.

Unfortunately, many children around the world remain in need of medical help that is not available or covered by insurance or government assistance.

In honor of Jack and Barbara’s 80th birthdays, the Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation created the Jack and Barbara Nicklaus Children’s Legacy Fund. The legacy ensures there will always be charitable funding available for children in need of life-changing and, in many cases, lifesaving medical care.

This visionary, $80 million fund will eternally provide children today, tomorrow, and beyond, with a second chance at life. To learn more, visit

Visit Luxury Home Magazine of The Palm Beaches to learn about more charitable associations in South Florida.

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